ProEssentials includes WinForms and ActiveX charting tools compatible with NI LabVIEW 2024, offering the fastest and most robust charting capabilities for your LabVIEW instrumentation projects.
LabVIEW project executables can be distributed royalty-free and run on unlimited end-user machines. Single-developer and multi-developer licenses are available, and the ProEssentials license is perpetual. ProEssentials components can also be used with Visual Studio, Excel, Access, websites, and other IDEs. Using Visual Studio to create custom controls with ProEssentials can simplify integration into LabVIEW.
Installing ProEssentials or its evaluation version provides a LabVIEW charting example project located in the C:\ProEssentials10\LabVIEW folder by selecting the OCX checkbox during setup.
Both 64-bit and 32-bit WinForms and ActiveX components are installed. Our example project uses 32-bit components for compatibility with LabVIEW Community Edition. If using LabVIEW Professional Edition, you can target both 64-bit and 32-bit platforms.
You can choose between our WinForms or ActiveX interfaces. WinForms offers a modern experience, while ActiveX provides a native, flat property structure. Our example project demonstrates both interfaces.
Launch NI LabVIEW and select "Open Existing" to browse to C:\ProEssentials10\LabVIEW and open Pe3d.lvproj.
2) When the new project opens, you will be presented with the project explorer view.
The project explorer shows VIs to handle:
3) Open and navigate to the Window > Show Block Diagram menu.
At the top of the block diagram, select the LoadData function to view the logic behind the data loading process.
8) Use the Run or Operate menu to execute the charting project.
Your screen will display a fully functional charting example: Other possibilites include:
This project replicates our demo example "400" found in all example projects. It includes a simple surface chart with annotations and annotation focusing logic.
Interact with the chart: Double-click the chart and press the "3" key to see its effect. Press "3" again and Double-click again to reset. Right-click to explore popup menu options.
Please read Chapters 2 and 3 in the documentation and review the demo code installed with the evaluation version.
Once installed, demo programs can be accessed via the shortcut: Start > ProEssentials v10.
Our main charting demo is available in WPF, WinForms, C#.NET, VB.NET, VC++ MFC, Delphi, and Builder from the installation directory.
Thank you for researching. Please contact our engineers if you have any questions.
Your success is our #1 goal by providing the easiest and most professional benefit to your organization and end-users.
ProEssentials was born from professional Electrical Engineers needing their own charting components. Join our large list of top engineering companies using ProEssentials.
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