NuGet NET80-NET60 WPF-Diagramm-Lernprogramm VS2022 - VS2019

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VS2022 - VS2019 WPF CHART NET80 / NET60 NUGET PACKAGE C# Walk Through

ProEssentials WPF Charting interfaces are used when creating stand-alone client-side EXEs to be distributed and ran on an end-users machine. This VS2022 - VS2019 WPF Net80 / Net60 NuGet C# Charting Walk-through includes instructions for Visual Studio VS2022 - VS2019.

Siehe die Demo...
Best WPF Chart to download, evaluate, and choose for your Financial Scientific Charting.
Best .NET Chart download for Scientific Charting, Engineering Charting.
Hello World - Walk-Through - Tutorial

It is recommended that the namespace: Gigasoft.ProEssentials.Enums be included at the top of your source code files utilizing ProEssentials. In C#, use the using keyword. For example:

using Gigasoft.ProEssentials.Enums;

The following information demonstrates how to create your first NuGet .NET80 / .NET60 WPF Charting ProEssentials implementation using the C# language. It discusses using the Wpf interfaces to add interactive scientific charting content to your EXEs. See the other charting examples provided within the product/evaluation.

Creating a new project...

1) Start Visual Studio.NET and create a new project targeting [C#] [Windows] [Desktop] and [WPF Application]. Accept the default name of [WpfApp]. Note to make sure this project type is set to WPF Application and not [.NET FrameWork]. We optionally have assemblies for .Net 4.8 Framework and a different Walk-Through to target the .Net Framework.

NuGet .Net80 .Net60 Wpf charting new project C# VS 2022 2019

2) When the new project opens, you will be presented the design view of "MainWindow.xaml and MainWindow.xaml.cs".

Nuget WPF Chart .Net80 .Net60 walkthrough in Visual Studio vs2022 2019
Adding ProEssentials NuGet WPF Charts to your Toolbox...

3) Installing Wpf charts into Visual Studio.NET via Nuget Package. Note our evaluation setup program will install a local nuget source [ Gigasoft (Local) ] as an easier location to find our nuget packages. If you installed our product or eval, then use the [Package Source] drop-down list box (the green 1. below) and select Gigasoft (Local).

VS2022 - VS2019 Instructions

  • 1. Within the Solution Explorer window, Right Click [Dependencies] and select [Manage NuGet Packages...],

gigasoft charting nuget package vs2022 vs2019
  • 2. Within the NuGet Package Manager window,
    • 1. check source is Gigasoft (Local) if you've run our setup or nuget,
    • 2. select Browse and optionally enter "Gigasoft" in the search box if on,
    • 3a. select ProEssentials.Chart.Net80.Wpf, optionally ProEssentials.Chart.Net80.x64.Wpf is recommended for VS2022.
    • 3b. or select ProEssentials.Chart.Net60.Wpf, optionally ProEssentials.Chart.Net60.x64.Wpf is recommended for VS2022.
    • 4. select Install

gigasoft proessentials charting wpf nuget net80 net60 components
  • 3. Accept installing the package,
  • 4. ProEssentials components will now show within the ProEssentials tab within your toolbox as seen in this image.

net charting components in vs2022 vs2012 toolbar
Adding a ProEssentials WPF Chart to an XAML Window...

4) Double Click the [PegoWpf] charting icon within the toolbox and the IDE will automatically insert the chart into MainWindow.xaml.cs between the <Grid > and </Grid> tags.* Note, use the Build menu, Rebuild project to allow the IDE to compile all that is necessary to see the chart in the Designer window.

NuGet WPF Chart control in Visual Studio vs2022 vs2019

This represents the default state of a ProEssentials Graph. The default state has one subset with four data points. In the course of constructing your own charts, you'll set the properties PeData.Subsets and PeData.Points which define the quantity of data your chart will hold. You'll then pass data via the PeData.Y[subset, point] two dimensional property array. The following section shows example code of passing data.

ProEssentials uses the terms Subsets and Points but you can think of these as Rows and Columns. Passing data is as simple as filling each Subset with Points worth of data.

MainWindow.xaml.cs [Code]...

6) After embedding the chart in your window, place the cursor within white space inside the PegoWpf tag and type "Name=" and provide a name for your chart like "Pego1" and then type "Loaded=" and accept the default loaded event and right click and select "Go to Definition" to navigate to Event Handler. Your xaml should look like...
WPF Chart property Window in vs2022 VS2019 C#

You can copy and paste, but hand-typing a few lines of this code will help familiarize yourself with the Gigasoft.ProEssentials namespace.  

Note: adding the following usingdeclaration at the top of "Form1.cs" will shorten enumeration syntax.

using Gigasoft.ProEssentials.Enums;

// Simple to code = simple to implement and maintain //

Pego1.PeString.MainTitle = "Hello World";
Pego1.PeString.SubTitle = "";

Pego1.PeData.Subsets = 2; // Subsets = Rows //
Pego1.PeData.Points = 6; // Points = Columns //
Pego1.PeData.Y[0, 0] = 10; Pego1.PeData.Y[0, 1] = 30;
Pego1.PeData.Y[0, 2] = 20; Pego1.PeData.Y[0, 3] = 40;
Pego1.PeData.Y[0, 4] = 30; Pego1.PeData.Y[0, 5] = 50;
Pego1.PeData.Y[1, 0] = 15; Pego1.PeData.Y[1, 1] = 63;
Pego1.PeData.Y[1, 2] = 74; Pego1.PeData.Y[1, 3] = 54;
Pego1.PeData.Y[1, 4] = 25; Pego1.PeData.Y[1, 5] = 34;

Pego1.PeString.PointLabels[0] = "Jan";
Pego1.PeString.PointLabels[1] = "Feb";
Pego1.PeString.PointLabels[2] = "Mar";
Pego1.PeString.PointLabels[3] = "Apr";
Pego1.PeString.PointLabels[4] = "May";
Pego1.PeString.PointLabels[5] = "June";

Pego1.PeString.SubsetLabels[0] = "For .Net Framework";
Pego1.PeString.SubsetLabels[1] = "or MFC, ActiveX, VCL";
Pego1.PeString.YAxisLabel = "Simple Quality Rendering";

Pego1.PeColor.SubsetColors[0] = Color.FromArgb(60, 0, 180, 0);
Pego1.PeColor.SubsetColors[1] = Color.FromArgb(180, 0, 0, 130);

Pego1.PeColor.BitmapGradientMode = false;
Pego1.PeColor.QuickStyle = Gigasoft.ProEssentials.Enums.QuickStyle.LightShadow;
Pego1.PeTable.Show = Gigasoft.ProEssentials.Enums.GraphPlusTable.Both;
Pego1.PeData.Precision = Gigasoft.ProEssentials.Enums.DataPrecision.NoDecimals;
Pego1.PeFont.Label.Bold = true;
Pego1.PePlot.Method = Gigasoft.ProEssentials.Enums.GraphPlottingMethod.Bar;
Pego1.PePlot.Option.GradientBars = 8;
Pego1.PePlot.Option.BarGlassEffect = true;
Pego1.PeLegend.Location = Gigasoft.ProEssentials.Enums.LegendLocation.Left;
Pego1.PePlot.DataShadows = Gigasoft.ProEssentials.Enums.DataShadows.ThreeDimensional;
Pego1.PeFont.FontSize = Gigasoft.ProEssentials.Enums.FontSize.Large;
Pego1.PePlot.SubsetLineTypes[0] = Gigasoft.ProEssentials.Enums.LineType.MediumSolid;
Pego1.PePlot.SubsetLineTypes[1] = Gigasoft.ProEssentials.Enums.LineType.MediumDash;

// This enables data hot spots, But we need to define code in the HotSpot event //
Pego1.PeUserInterface.HotSpot.Data = true;

// These settings will be used for all charts //

Pego1.PeConfigure.RenderEngine = Gigasoft.ProEssentials.Enums.RenderEngine.Direct2D;
Pego1.PeConfigure.AntiAliasGraphics = true;
Pego1.PeConfigure.AntiAliasText = true;
// Call these at end of setting properties //
Pego1.Chart.UpdateLayout(); // this is only needed within initial Loaded event //

Your project code should look similar to...

WPF C#.NET Chart code window for form load event vs2019
Adding a DataHotSpot event...

7) The code above enabled the DataHotSpot event, so we should place some appropriate code in the DataHotSpot event.

Again place cursor within the PegoWpf tag and type "PeDataHotSpot=" and accept the default event and right click and select "Go to Definition" to navigate to Event Handler.

Or, Left click the PegoWpf control within designer window to give it the focus.

From the main menu select [View] and [Properties Window]

Within the [Properties Window], click the event icon.

Within the available events, double-click PeDataHotSpot edit box.

Chart WPF event window for HotSpot event vs2019
WPF Chart hot spot tag event vs2019

Add the following code to the pego1_PeDataHotSpot event.

System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Subset " + e.SubsetIndex.ToString() + ", Point " + e.PointIndex.ToString() + " with a value of " + Pego1.PeData.Y[e.SubsetIndex, e.PointIndex].ToString());


8) Save and run the project. Your project will show an image as follows. Move the mouse over a bar and click to trigger the DataHotSpot event.

This completes this walkthrough.

Please read the remaining sections within Chapter 2 and review the demo code and documentation that's installed with the eval/product.

Once installed, the demo program can be accessed via shortcut...

Start / ProEssentials v9 / PeDemo

Note that our main charting demo is replicated in WPF and Winform C#.NET,  VB.NET, VC++ MFC, Delphi, Builder all accessible from where you installed ProEssentials.   These are great for modifying an existing demo to test potential modifications before implementing within your applications.

NuGet WPF Chart .Net80 .Net60 within your software!

Thank you for researching. Please contact our engineers if you have a question.

WPF Chart Component Scientific Financial Fast Robust

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Wir sind Ingenieure

ProEssentials wurde von professionellen Elektroingenieuren erschaffen, die ihre eigenen Charting-Komponenten benötigten. Treten Sie unserer großen Liste von Top-Engineering-Unternehmen bei, die ProEssentials einsetzen.

Danke sehr

Vielen Dank, dass Sie ein ProEssentials-Kunde sind, und vielen Dank, dass Sie die ProEssentials-Charting-Engine recherchieren.